Musical Genre/Type: Rock
Formed: 1983
Kevin Wooton (Synthesiser)
David Thomas (Drums)
Julian Amos (Guitar)
Keith Edwards (Lead guitar)
Neil Thomas (Bass Guitar)
Mick Goodby (Vocals)
Other Band Members:
Mike Fleming - (Bass Guitar)
Robert Rea - Bass Guitar (Tamworth)
Robin Baxter - Drums(Lichfield)
Mark Hopkins - Guitar (Tamworth)
Paul Keeton - Guitar (Tamworth)
Wilnecote Youth Club
Tamworth Arts Centre
Tamworth Young People’s Arts Festival
Sitting Pretty
Select Elect
Tamworth Arts Centre
Tamworth Arts Centre
Barrell Organ
Tavern in the Town
Dogpool Pub
Lichfield Arts Centre
Park Inn, Kettlebrook
Breaking Point
One On One
Tamworth Arts Centre
Austrey Working Mens Club
Tamworth Arts Centre
Tamworth Arts Centre
Park Inn
Tamworth Arts Centre
Tamworth Arts Centre
Tamworth Arts Centre
Tamworth Herald – 25/02/83
MEET BHX, a new Tamworth based rock band who have been together in various forms for over two years.
Although the adjective ‘new’ is quite correct to use about BHX, it also needs to be stressed that various line-ups have already been together for some little time.
Now the band feel for the first time that they have a stable base to work on.
The line-up is: Kevin Wooton, synthesiser; David Thomas, drums; Julian Amos, guitar; Keith Edwards, lead guitar; Neil Thomas, bass and Mick Goodby, vocals.
They rehearse regularly at Belgrave Comprehensive School and have played gigs there and at Wilnecote Youth Club.
Like most young local bands they look uncomfortable when asked about influences, preferring the usual “We try and have our own sound,” answer.
Eventually under pressure, they admitted that most of them liked ‘Rush’ but quickly added that didn’t mean they were like the Canadian mega-stars.
They would like to record some of their numbers on a tape but reckon that’s not really a priority.
Another gig at Wilnecote Youth Club may be in the offing – watch this space.
Tamworth Herald – 04/03/83
BHX, the new Tamworth band featured last week, have lined up a local gig.
The band will be appearing at Wilnecote Youth Club on Tuesday March 22, at 8.30pm
BHX have also said they are willing to act as a support group to any local outfit. Anyone interested should contact Mick.
Tamworth Herald – 22/04/83
Two Tamworth bands BHX and Java, are appearing on a double bill of live music at Tamworth Arts Centre on Friday 22. The gig starts at 8pm and admission is 50p.
TAMWORTH’S rock fans could have done no better than to attend Friday’s show at the Arts Centre.
Compered by the latest arrival on the alternative rock scene, Mr. Homie Parnham, the evening got off to a flying start with local band BHX receiving a good reception for their self-penned numbers from 50 or so punters who turned up for the event.
Java, a new band blending together a subtle mixture of youth and experience, headlined.
Their set consisted of a slick combination of cover versions and their own brand of distinctive Java treatment.
The band’s own songs – the emotional ‘Escape’, ‘Get it right’ and ‘Moonsong’ among others – formed an excellent showcase for such obvious talent.
Let’s hope local apathy doesn’t make such a fresh band seek audiences elsewhere.
Tamworth Herald – 01/07/83
Scarab/BHX : Sutton Carnival
BHX came on stage for their support slot to an almost empty marquee but the numbers gradually built up as they played their own self-written songs like ‘Mad Jack’, ‘25th Century’ and ‘I Wanna be Alive’.
The band seem to have a new confidence in themselves and their music, which is aided by the addition of ex-Badger drummer Stuart Pickett to the line-up.
They introduced two new numbers ‘Dance’ and ‘Straight to Hell’ which had great promise for the future.
The PA was loud and clear and the band played their best set so far – all of them getting in the carnival spirit.
Scarab played their own brand of heavy metal which anyone who saw them at Polesworth Top Club will remember.
The lead guitar work was particularly impressive and they finished with a version of ‘Love Potion No.9’ and came back for two encores.
Tamworth Herald – 09/09/83
BHX, one of Tamworth’s most promising bands, have sent out an urgent appeal to the town’s musicians – we need a drummer.
The group have already made a big impact on the town and have future gigs and recording in the pipeline.
But they feel their progress is being hampered by a lack of a permanent drummer who can give them solid commitment.
If you like powerful rock music and would like the chance to join BHX the man to contact is Mick…
Tamworth Herald – 07/10/83
BHX – Tavern in the Town
BHX made a strong claim to being the town’s top heavy rock band recently when they turned in a powerful performance at the Tavern in the Town.
The group played a set full of raw power which was highlighted by a remarkable performance by Mick Goodby.
Mick’s voice is clearly the ban’s greatest asset and there cannot be many Tamworth rock singers who can wail, scream and screech as well as he can.
What sets BHX apart from the seemingly hundreds of bands that play this style of music is that all their songs are originals.
Without pretending to enjoy ‘heavy rock’, I thought the band had a melodious streak which could make they very popular indeed. Songs such as ‘25th Century’, ‘Straight to Hell’ and the uplifting ‘Superstar’ may not be in the same league as Richie Blackmore just yet but they are far more listenable that a lot of the pretentious, disgusting wall of noise that passes off as heavy metal.
Live debut
The set they delivered brought an enthusiastic response from a small but keen audience and the group were called back to play three encores.
Each member of the group performed creditably but a special mention must go to Richard Deane who had a remarkable live debut and delighted the audience with an excellent two-minute drum break at the end of the set.
All in all, an excellent night for the band, it is just a pity that in a town so full of heavy rock fans there wasn’t a few more people there to witness the gig.
Tamworth Herald – 14/10/83
TAMWORTH rock fans can kiss goodbye to Sunday afternoon boredom this weekend when four of the town’s young bands will be appearing in a special free concert at the Arts Centre.
The indoor festival is all part of the Young People’s Arts Festival and the emphasis has been on relatively new groups. The four acts playing on Sunday are Sitting Pretty, the Mandettas, BHX and Select Elect.
Refreshments are available at the gig – which begins at 2pm and the organisers are hoping for a bumper turnout to ensure that rock music stays permanently on the Arts Festival line-up.
Tamworth Herald – 28/10/83

SUNDAY is traditionally known as a day of rest, peace and hangovers. It is also – frequently – extremely boring and so the decision to stage Tamworth’s first-ever indoor rock festival on Sunday afternoon was a master stroke.
A healthy sized crowd turned up for the Arts Centre concert which – marred only by the non-appearance of the Mandettas – was a highly enjoyable showcase of new Tamworth music.
First up were Sitting Pretty who have done so much since forming a few months ago that they already seem like local veterans. The set they delivered – although perhaps not quite as sharp as previous performances – was extremely impressive and you could not help but be engulfed by their all-consuming enthusiasm.
The best song on the day was a moving, slow ballad called ‘Inspiration’ which showed that the band are already diversifying from the clean pop sound that dominates their set.
Next up were the undoubted show-stealers Select Elect. For a band so young – the duo are aged 14 and 15 – their short set was quite a revelation. Their songs were tuneful, well structured and very accessible.
With youth, a nice modern image and confidence on their side, the potential of Select Elect is awesome. If they can continue to build on the great strides they have already made, there is no reason why they should not become one of the top bands in the area.
Finally up came BHX for another powerful assault on the listeners’ ears. Despite an extremely poor PA system, BHX battled on and clearly won over the large group of rockers in the audience.
All five members of the band performed creditably with songs such as ‘Tales of Modern Romance’ and ‘Superstar’ in their set. BHX really have thrown down the gauntlet to other heavy rock bands in the area. Their message is clear – beat that!
BHX’s energetic performance closed a unique and enjoyable afternoon. Outside it was still boring old Sunday but somehow with all the energy, spirit and potential of the three acts on view it didn’t seem to matter any more…
Tamworth Herald – 18/11/83
SEVEN Tamworth bands will be battling next week to win the prestigious Burton Musicians Union rock and pop contest.
This year the contest – which has included several top Tamworth bands over the years – features 24 groups from all over the East Midlands.
The contest is divided into four separate heats from Monday to Thursday and the top two bands on each night will be asked to appear at the grand final on Friday.
The amount of competitors from Tamworth is the highest ever – reflecting the increasingly healthy local scene.
On Monday night the town’s sole representatives are Talk Back who with their professional and commercial sound are sure to take some beating.
The following day tow Tamworth bands will be opening the proceedings – Vince Watts’ new band Formaldehyde and the rock band Prophecy, who line up alongside two bands oddly-named A5 and Minnus Tyreth.
On Wednesday night two of the town’s top bands, Laughter in Heaven and the Royal Family, should guarantee that at least one local act makes the final. Laughter’s gothic sound and the Royal Family’s blues could not be further apart musically but they are both certain to excite the panel of judges.
Thursday night throws up a very unusual coincidence. BHX and Eyes will both be appearing – the night before the two groups will be playing together in a previously arranged gig at the Arts Centre.
With such a varied selection of local bands playing, by the time you read this it is possible that three or four Tamworth bands will be getting ready to play at the grand final for a variety of prizes.
One things that all bands could certainly do with is support. In previous years Tamworth acts have suffered because they took no followers with them while groups from Burton and Derby particularly seemed to bring armies of fans.
Entrance to the Burton Town Hall on all five nights is just 50p – a remarkably small sum to see six new bands a night in action. It would do the Tamworth music scene enormous good for one of our bands to win ‘away from home’ and we must all keep our fingers crossed for local success.
Tamworth Herald – 13/01/84
THE year gets off to a cracking start this month when the Arts Centre at Tamworth plays host to plays host to two exciting looking gigs.
On Friday, January 20 a double-bill of top heavy music is on the menu in the appetising shape of BHX and Roseham.
The gig will be the Tamworth debut for Roseham which comprises a number of former town favourites and the ’84 debut for BHX who are currently bristling with confidence and ambition after a highly successful year.
On the following Friday two of Tamworth’s talented young pop bands will take to the Arts Centre stage. Sitting Pretty, now in their guise as a quartet, will join Select Elect for a night of modern, original music.
Both bands boast new songs and for Sitting Pretty fans, there is the added bonus of seeing new keyboard player Greg Stevenson in action.
Both gigs cost a modest 50p, and for the Sitting Pretty concert tickets will be available shortly from Tamdisk Records in Lichfield Street.
Tamworth Herald – 27/01/84
BHX/One On One – Arts Centre
DESPITE THE considerable attraction of live televised football, scores of local music fans turned out on Friday night to greet the return of ‘rock’ to the Arts Centre.
The fans were there to witness the first Tamworth gig by One On One and another exciting instalment in the short but impressive story of BHX.
One On One opened the proceedings and turned in a quite superb show. Every member performed creditably but for me, vocalist Dave Ingham was the star.
His voice never faltered throughout the 45-minute set and at times showed quite inspiring flashes of skill.
With their melodic, well-structured sound, putting a label on One On One is very difficult. They are about as far away from traditional heavy rock as an Eskimo is from a suntan, yet their music still has a hard feel to it.
The best number of the night was the excellent ‘Nightshift’, closely followed by ‘Cuba’ a thought-provoking number which closed the set.
All in all a quite splendid debut which has certainly planted the seeds from which One on One are sure to grow.
After a short break, BHX took to the stage to play their finest set to date. Everything went right for the talented quintet – their sound was tighter than Superman’s trousers, their songs were varied and the overall effect was to leave the listener more than a little stunned.
With every gig the band are clearly maturing and newer songs like the epic ‘Journey to Asgard’ fitted in very nicely with the more established tunes such as ‘Superstar’.
For me, BHX’s greatest asset is their talent for continual, skilful songwriting. Song-writing is something that clearly comes easy to them and that is a rare gift indeed.
So closed a very interesting night of music. For BHX it confirmed that 1984 really will be their year and for One On One it proved that they too have enough talent and ideas to go all the way.
Tamworth Herald – 03/02/84
BHX have announced a whole series of dates for the next few months. On February 5 they will be travelling to Birmingham to play at the prestigious Barrell (Organ – Ed.) and on the 17th they will also be in the Second City to play at the Dogpool pub. In between these nights they will be at the Tavern on the 16th and to round off the dates they should be playing at the Arts Centre on May 11.
Tamworth Herald – 02/03/84
BHX have arranged a new date in their Midlands-trotting tour. They will be appearing with three other bands at Lichfield Arts Centre on Friday, March 2.
Tamworth Herald – 09/03/84
BHX are appealing for all their fans to support them at a gig on Sunday night at the Park Inn at Kettlebrook. The club does not normally put on rock bands and BHX say that a good turnout might convince them to make it into a more regular venue.
Tamworth Herald – 19/04/84
TAMWORTH’S Assembly Rooms is the scene later this month for the biggest rock event in the town since last year’s open-air festival.
For on April 26 the Assems will come alive to the original and devastating sound of cult rock band the Sumo Giants.
The band, who promise an extravagant and eye-opening stage show, will be joined by three bands in a night which could put Tamworth firmly on the rock map.
For the Giants, who have played extensively throughout Europe and America, intend to bring coachloads of supporters to turn the gig into a major Midlands event.
And entrepreneur Lichfield promoter ‘Tetley’ believes the gig could eb the first in a whole series of major concerts in Tamworth.
“Tamworth has such a percentage of young people that it really could become a very important place for concerts,” he said
Tetley added that Tamworth is ideally positioned to take top bands and he hoped a big turnout for the exciting Sumos would provoke interest from other promoters.
“Tamworth has the potential – it must show it is now ready to take named acts,” said Tetley.
Joining the colourful Sumos, who’s fans include no less that John Peel and Tommy Vance, will be two Lichfield acts the SAT Band and Bashful Alley and our own top rockers BHX.
For BHX, gaining one prestigious gig could be the first of many that the band will be involved in, because a German tour early next year now seems on the cards.
At the moment the talented rock band have a more pressing problem due to the departure of guitarist Keith.
BHX have sent out an urgent appeal for a replacement guitarist but in the meantime they hope to ‘promote’ drummer Richard Deane to fill in the gap.
The band are confident that everything should be in order by the time they line up with the Sumos at the Assembly Rooms.
For anyone who does not know the Sumos sound, it is a whole mixture of rock from heavy to R ‘n’ B with an emphasis on the visual side.
They promise the show will be unlike anything Tamworth has ever seen before and with tickets costing a meagre £1.50 for all four bands, it certainly looks a winning night for Tamworth’s rock fans.
And remember, the Beatles once played at the Assembly Rooms, so a big turnout for the Sumos may make people look again at Tamworth and bring some more famous names to this gig-deprived town. It is all down to you.
Tamworth Herald – 11/05/84
THREE OF Tamworth’s top bands will tonight (Friday), converge on the Arts Centre to play a special charity concert.
The bands – BHX, One On One and Breaking Point – have all volunteered to give their services free in aid of the Marie Curie Fund aiming to fight cancer.
And with tickets costing just 50p, it means that local people can do their bit for charity – and have a great night out in the process.
The idea to do a charity concert came from top rockers BHX, who will tonight be aiming to re-state their case that they are Tamworth’s most popular heavy band.
The quartet, who recently gave a fine show alongside glam rockers The Sumo Giants, ahev a varied, melodious rock sound that many local punters have likened to Rush. The group who are getting more ambitious with every gig, will probably headline tonight’s show which begins at around 8pm.
Alongside BHX are One On One who have been steadily building up a following since they launched they launched themselves on the area earlier this year.
Much praise
One On One’s sound, although rock orientated, has a feel all of its own which distances them somewhat from the straight rock sound that some people have tried to confer on them.
Their recent show at the Arts Centre brought widespread praise, and they will be keen to keep up the momentum when they step out for tonight’s performance.
Also aiming to keep up the momentum are the excellent Breaking Point, who, after just two viewings, have convinced me that they are potentially the best band in Tamworth.
With passion
The trio play a set of nearly all their own material packed full of rousing guitar breaks, sing-along choruses and that vital spark of passion that can send shivers through an audience.
They are Tamworth’s answer to the Alarm, U2 and New Model Army, and I would urge anyone who likes bite and feeling in their music to come along and cheer them tonight.
All three bands have a lot to offer, and with a worthy cancer charity standing to benefit, Tamworth’s rock fans should pack out the Arts Centre and make it a night to remember.
Tamworth Herald – 18/05/84
BHX/One On One/ Breaking Point
TAMWORTH’S music fans turned out of force on Friday night to give a bumper boost to a leading local charity.
For the Arts Centre was packed to near capacity to enjoy the special charity gig which was held in aid of the Marie Curie Fund for fighting cancer.
And the reward for Tamworth’s big-hearted music followers was a varied and highly enjoyable gig by three of the town’s best groups.
Opening the proceedings were the spirited Breaking Point, who had to battle not only against a fairly rock-orientated audience, but also some terrible sound problems.
The latter hampered the trio’s set from the beginning but despite this, the sheer awesome power and passionate delivery that characterise the band still shone through. Newer numbers like ‘Resurrection’ fitted in comfortably by ‘old’ favourites such as ‘My Love Lies Bleeding’ and the apocalyptic ‘Nicholas Romanov’ which still sends a shiver down my spine every time I hear it.
After the gig, Breaking Point were clearly very unhappy because of their sound problems – but the crowd still loved it and gave the band one of the best receptions ever.
Next up were One on One and although I prefer Breaking Point’s songs and style, I have to admit that they were the real show-stealers on the night.
Playing with a relaxed air of confidence, they delivered a set which had the audience mesmerised and the compliments flying round the room.
Musically they have no equals in the town, from the solid drumming of Stuart Blaine to the sheer skill and inventiveness of guitarist Tim Latham. For me the real icing on the cake is still the cool and harmonious vocal work of Dave Ingham, who seems to get better and more confident with every show.
How long Tamworth will be able to keep One on One remains to be seen for I have no doubt that sooner rather than later, someone is going to pluck them out of the town and make them very, very big indeed.
In the meantime just enjoy them while you can…
Completing Friday’s line up were the gig organisers BHX, who brought their own original brand of rock to the still-enthusiastic Arts Centre crowd.
BHX turned in their normal high-powered selection of thundering heavy numbers and more gently melodious rock numbers. They have come on in leaps and bounds recently and now look like a total rock package.
They have sharpened up their image (always important in these look-conscious days) and they have become a tighter, more accessible outfit.
Perhaps they could have shortened their set somewhat – we had to wait until the encore to hear the excellent ‘Superstar’ – but that apart, they played a crowd-pleasing and entertaining set which has probably gained them even more followers.
So closed a highly-successful night which was good for the bands, goof for the crowds and, best of all, good for the Marie Curie Cancer Fund.
With the success of this one, it strikes me we ought to have more charity concerts…
Tamworth Herald – 20/07/84
The BHX Information Service hope that t-shirts and badges will also soon be available.
Tamworth Herald – 07/09/84
BHX – Demo Tape
BHX, a band still trying to hold onto their rock band in Tamworth tag, have just come out of the studio with a tape that aids their cause no end.
With bands like Wolfsbane grabbing all the limelight at the moment, BHX have hit back in the best possible style with a four track tape overflowing with ideas and sheer dynamism.
The band sound more powerful than ever on this tape and any of the group’s old comparisons with softer outfits such as Rush are completely swept aside by pure ferocity in the four numbers.
The first song is my personal favourite because it sounds like it has been recorded 100mph too fast. ‘The Reaper’ rips out of the speakers with a sound that is so brash and confident that it will probably make BHX’s rivals quake – a real case of DO fear ‘the reaper’!
The next number ‘Gypsy Woman’ suffers just a little from rock clichés but is still so powerful and threatening that it won’t let you dislike it. It has a flavour of Iron Maiden with just a touch of Deep Purple thrown in for good colourful measure.
The third number ‘Flashing Knife’ is another instantly hard-hitting song which is let down only by the surprisingly low vocal mix. I have always thought that Mick Goodby’s wide-ranging vocals were one of BHX’s strongest weapons and I can’t help feeling that stronger vocals would have aided the whole tape – and ‘Flashing Knife; in particular.
The cassette winds up with the slower, more anthemic ‘The Warriors’ a track I have not yet made up my mind about. It has a certain endearing quality but its over-grandiose sound comes over as just a little pretentious and it has only a slice of the power of numbers such as “The Reaper”.
So closes and intriguing tape. I would have preferred to see some of their older numbers recorded but as it is, you couldn’t ask for a better first attempt in the studio.
If you would like to judge for yourself about the tape, they are available from the BHX Information Service for just £1.25.
Tamworth Herald 14/09/84
TAMWORTH’S top two rock bands will tonight stage a unique battle to try and see who is the heaviest group in the town.
For seasoned favourites BHX have accepted the gauntlet from Wolfsbane to have a public musical battle at the Arts Centre to see just who is the raunchiest, heaviest and loudest rock outfit in Tamworth.
The battle which begins at 8pm is certain to be lapped up by the town’s swarm of rock fans and a capacity ring-side audience is expected as he bell goes off signalling the title fight to begin.
In the red corner will be BHX, still proud of the fact that they were the highest placed heavy band in last year’s Musicbox poll. BHX have gone through many ups and downs in recent times, but lately the band seem to have had a succession of ups.
A gig at the Tavern several weeks ago brought them five encores and universal praise and last week they released their dynamic new cassette which proved a culture shock to many people – myself included – who thought BHX were made of lighter stuff.
Trying to describe them is very difficult because they have achieved that much-sought heavy distinction – originality. At times they show periods of mood and Rushesque inventiveness and the next moment they will be back to ear-slaying mayhem
Their vast experience and wide range is sure to give them a lot of punching power tonight and Wolfsbane will have their work cut-out to take the heavy title.
Wolfsbane – in the very blue corner – have several obvious weapons lined-up for their challenge.
Their first weapon is their musical might. They try and hit their audience on every front but they know that if you don’t get them in the ears, the rest is academic.
Their music is again hard to define as it ranges from the Van Hale style ‘Love Doctor’ to the slow, tortuous delights of ‘Clutching at Straws’.
Like BHX they are great believers in the maxim that variety is the spice of life and their set is packed with songs of all shades, styles and speeds.
Another vital piece of equipment in the Wolfsbane armoury is their image. The band spend so long making sure they look the part as they do trying to sound it, and they are determined to out-pose their audience if all else fails.
So there you have it, the two battlers out to win the heaviest band in Tamworth title. They both look good, sound good and play well and there is no reason why tonight should not be one of the most exciting nights the local music scene has had in a long, long time.
I will go along tonight and act as official referee and next week I will give my own personal decision on who has grabbed the title.
Come along yourself and make your own mind up. Ringside tickets are still available.
Tamworth Herald 21/09/84
BHX/Wolfsbane – Tamworth Arts Centre
THERE was a time, not so very long ago, when I would have thought it impossible that I could go to a heavy rock concert and thoroughly enjoy myself.
Personally I have always thought that heavy metal was the musical equivalent of watching someone being whipped – obnoxious to the eye, obnoxious to the ear and painful for all concerned.
But then came the BHX and Wolfsbane enigma. Suddenly there were two acts that I actually enjoyed seeing, bands who realised that rock is all about fun and fun is all about rock.
A packed-to-overflowing Arts Centre witnessed this ‘Battle of the Bands’ and few, I feel, will disagree with my assessment that the battle ended in an honourable draw.
At the start it seemed as if Wolfsbane would slay their opponents straight away. They hit the stage to an ecstatic reception (the sort I have only ever seen once before locally – for The Dream factory) and played a dynamic set in which they never put a note wrong.
The magnificent guitar work of Jase The Ace was again the highlight for me, but like most of the audience I just couldn’t help being transfixed by lead singer Baylet Cooke’s writhing and posturing which left nothing to the imagination. What amazes me is that this bloke can actually sing – superbly – at the same time as he enacts the motions of a man possessed by something deliciously sinister.
Wolfsbane played a tight entertaining set which embraced all the influences from traditional heavy music right through to the gritty rock and roll of Johnny Thunders and the New York Dolls.
As Wolfsbane left the stage to a standing ovation (yes at the Arts Centre) it seemed BHX were on a hiding to nothing but it wasn’t to be. The moment they hit the stage, you knew they meant business. They all looked the part with Rob Rea doing the seemingly impossible of looking better and cooler than all of Wolfsbane and guitarist Keith even added by wearing a live snake as a necklace.
Musically they played it straight, hard and heavy and won an equally enthusiastic response from their own contingent of die hard followers. Best song of all – inevitable – was the superlative ‘Superstar’ which is still my favourite BHX number and was rightly given two airings.
When I left, BHX were still playing encores which for me summed up the whole night. The bands had loved it, the fans had loved it and it had been the only battle I have ever attended where EVERYONE won.
Tamworth Herald 12/10/84
FOUR hard-hitting rock bands will descend on the Arts Centre this weekend for two power-packed concerts.
Tonight promises to be a fierce assault on the ears as highly rated Birmingham band Scarab and ever-active Tamworthian BHX.
Then, 24 hours later, just as your ears have stopped ringing, relative new boys Caprice will be handing out their own brand of rock alongside passion-wielding Breaking Point.
Tonight’s double-header looks set for another Arts Centre sell-out date due to the increasing popularity of both bands on view.
Scarab have done what few non-Tamworth bands have managed to do in the town by picking up quite a following. Their fans are bowled over by the band’s manic and very powerful sound.
One reliable gig watcher told me that Scarab were the best heavy band that has ever played at Tamworth, the group’s own determination to play gigs in this area shows that they really have built up a goods rapport with Tamworth crowds.
As well as promoting themselves, Scarab should be promoting their new single ‘Poltergeist’, and so anyone who wants to hear good heavy metal tonight – and then take some of it home with them – is urged to bring some extra cash for the single!
BHX, of course, need no introduction, having spent the last 12 months picking up fans with every gig they do. Their last powerful performance at the Arts Centre revealed how direct and menacing their sound has become and one thing that fans can always find comforting about the band is that they rarely – very rarely – disappoint.
Another band for whom disappointment is a null word, is tomorrow night’s headliners Breaking Point. They stole one of the best reactions at the Bank Holiday Festival and have a thumping, dynamic sound full of modern influences such as U2, The Alarm and New Model Army.
It is, in essence, a rock-orientated sound with a heavy dose of passion and spirit. Guitarist and vocalist Kevin Briggs has promised a new and exciting show tomorrow, bursting with energy and musical vitality. And Kevin is the sort of man you believe.
New trio, Caprice made their debut show at the Festival several weeks ago. Caprice are an amiable trio who find it very difficult to describe exactly what they sound like.
“I suppose it is Seventies music which will particularly appeal to the older generation, as well as Breaking point fans,” said bassist, cat-fanatic and well-known wit Mike Fleming.
Caprice’s ‘Seventies sound’ incorporates everything from Santana and Dire Straits to much harder songs. Even the odd bit of pop is thrown in to surprise people.
Helping out in the pop department are ‘The Girls From The Bus Stop’ – the girlfriends of guitarist Steve Shepherd and drummer Adrian Goodman, who provides the occasional backing vocals.
Caprice believe they should appeal to quite a wide audience and I, for one, will be keen to see how their lively, endearing sound is received by the Arts Centre crowd.
So there we have it, two very entertaining-looking gigs which promise a lot and will no doubt deliver the goods. Both gigs begin at 8pm and two sell-out concerts seem likely.
Tamworth Herald 26/10/84
SCARAB/BHX Tamworth Arts Centre
SCARAB’S lead vocalist, recently said: “A boring band get a boring audience, and a boring audience get a boring band.” I don’t think that either of the two bands double heading this show could be described as being boring.
The first band to assault our ears was the experienced Tamworthians BHX, lead by black haired Mick Goodby on vocals and Peter the Python on lead guitar.
They burst into a powerful heavy rock set which put paid to any claims that they are a gentle Rush type band. Of course, they do have their Rush leanings, as was shown in “Journey to Asgard”, now a BHX classic, (ever heard of “La Villa Strangiato”?)
Their new songs, the dramatic “Sudden Curve” and the powerful “Alienation” give hope for a new era of metallic classics for the band.
The band finished with the manic “Flashing Knife” and unfortunately were allowed to leave the stage without an encore.
I haven’t seen BHX so powerful and confident in a long time and I think that their future is looking brighter than ever.
There was no doubt about Scarab. For a band who play ‘only for fun’ and who have recently discovered that they don’t have to change their name after all, they have certainly reached a standard of excellence which is capable of putting them among the top national bands.
They roared through a powerful set with such old favourites as “Hell Hotel” and “For Whom The Bell Tolls” until they were brought to a halt by the PA system, which was silence by an Arts Centre plug blowing a fuse. Unperturbed, they went ahead with a drum solo while roadies struggled to get the sound back.
Problems over, Scarab hammered their way into the new single “Poltergeist” due for release next week.
The set continued and ended with a total of three well-deserved encores.
Tamworth Herald 30/11/84
TAMWORTH’S two most powerful rock bands will tonight join forces to bring a glam-orientated wall of sound to the Arts Centre.
After their last performance together, Wolfsbane and BHX decided to drop the idea of a battle of the bands and tonight are just intent on giving the audience a concert to remember.
For both outfits, tonight will be an unusual one. For headliners BHX it will be the first Arts Centre performance for new drummer, Rob Baxter, Rob who used to be with popular Lichfield rockers, Bashful Alley, made his BHX debut last night (Thursday) but tonight in front of a packed Arts Centre he looks set for his first major test.
“He is a good drummer and he fits in well with our look and sound so we are quite happy at the moment,” said BHX vocalist Mick Goodby.
BHX have added a couple more songs to their repertoire and are aiming to go straight for the audience’s throats. And – they will be armed with their best ever sound.
“We have got ourselves a good sound system which we think will give us the best sound we have ever had in Tamworth. People might even be able to hear the vocals,” said Mick.
For Wolfsbane, who came into the gig as late replacements for Spirit of Water, mystery surrounds who will be their drummer tonight. Rumours that original drummer Poo-Poos has had to leave due to other commitments have been flying around for the past few weeks and there is a very strong possibility that tonight may well see a Wolfsbane debut for former Childs Play drummer, Jasper.
Whoever is behind the ‘skins’ there is no doubt that Wolfsbane will take full advantage of the powerful sound system on offer to try and blast their way into the ears of all their fanatical supporters.
The gig, which is almost certain to be a sell-out starts at 8pm, and it promises to be a very noisy way to blow away the winter blues.
Tamworth Herald 21/12/84
MUSICBOX is having a seasonal break this week in preparation for a bumper full page special next week which will give you all the details of who has won what in out record breaking poll.
The polls have been piling in since Day One and we have now passed the magical figure of 500 votes – including those for 20 different local bands.
Everything will be revealed next week but in the meantime there are three good gigs to put I your diary over the Christmas period.
‘Rock’ ranks
Tonight (Friday), rock hits the Arts Centre in the shape of two of the areas biggest and boldest outfits – BHX and Scarab.
And then tomorrow, the outrageously wonderful Wolfsbane will join up with the equally wonderful One On One for a Christmas special that promises a lot. Wolfsbane who were delighted to be banned from The Railway tavern for being too outrageous – have promised their normal high spirits, and with One On One’s consistent style, the Arts Centre looks like being packed to the rafters.
Better late…
And finally The Dream Factory will be playing a belated Christmas show on December 27 at Grendon Working Men’s Club. The Factory are expecting hordes of people to turn up to a gig that will be the culmination of a year that the band are unlikely to forget.
It just remains for me to wish all Tamworth’s musicians and music fans and MUSICBOX contributors a very happy Christmas packed full of your favourite Yuletide spirit.
Tamworth Herald – 11/01/85
BHX have decided to have a break from live work. The popular heavy outfit have decided to spend time writing new material and preparing an entirely new stage show. The band have stressed that they will be back soon – refreshed and raring to go.
Tamworth Herald – 01/02/85
BHX want a little light in their lives – and someone to provide it! The popular heavy band are looking for a dedicated lighting man willing to follow them to all their local and not-so-local gigs. More details from Mark.
Tamworth Herald – 15/02/85
BHX have been given the biggest break of their three-year history – a major national tour.
The band have been taken on by a new financial manager, local businessman Phil Ball, and he is keen to get the band on the road as soon as possible.
What it means is that the popular rock quintet will be travelling all round the country on a staggered national tour embracing many small venues in places such as Leeds, Manchester and London.
Actual dates have still to be finalised but the bans are delighted with the set-up.
“We are willing to go anywhere at anytime and it really is great news,” said lead singer Mick Goodby.
The band will be playing a gig in the town after a long absence next week, and hope that this new twist in their fortunes will bring them the success they richly deserve. To coincide with the tour there is also talk of a debut single from the band to be released during the summer.
More details of dates and places for the BHX tour should be available in the next few weeks.
Tamworth Herald – 22/02/85
Smashing time as riot hits stage
TOMORROW night Tamworth Arts Centre will play host to the final of the keenly-fought ‘Battle of the Bands’ contest.
The final, featuring five groups will be the culmination of four strong heats, the last of which is at the Arts Centre tonight (Friday),
Already the contest has attracted great interest and has been packed full of surprises and controversy.
It all began last Thursday when three very different acts – Dance Stance, One On One and The Original Royal Family took to the stage.
Controversy started to rage however, when one of the five judges was disqualified for walking out half-way through the gig of the last band The Royal Family. The disqualification gave One On One a clear victory, making them the first band into the final – and therefore the Bank Holiday rock festival.
Twenty-four hours later at the Arts Centre a packed-to-overflowing audience saw an amazing four-band contest. Childs Play opened the proceedings with their former guitarist, who had been dragged out of the bar because their normal player had disappeared!
The shock continued when Vicious Malicious – an unholy alliance of Select Elect and The Elusive They took to the stage and proceeded to smash up guitars and tape recorders as well as run riot with a chainsaw. The word was bizarre. All part of the act, of course.
And, if that wasn’t enough of a culture shock to the audience, then the new Pulsebeat, who after starting cautiously, had the whole crowd on their feet with some brilliant, individual guitar playing.
By now nothing could be surprising – but last band Scarab almost were. They came on and gave a blinding show bashing out 100mph rock anthems which sent their loyal fans into a state of acute frenzy. They threw in volcano-style fireworks, flashing lights and fake blood to provide a riveting performance. Needless to say they won, so booking their automatic place in tomorrow’s final.
The third heat was held last night (Thursday) and one of the following four acts will be in tomorrows final – Ideal Standard, Spirit of Water and Sitting Pretty.
The final heat will be tonight when Breaking Point, BHX, Sacred Oath and Caprice will battle it out.
Each of the acts has a lot going for them and predicting the result is extremely difficult.
BHX have proved their status by being offered several dates all round the country; Sacred Oath are now back fresher and more determined; Caprice get more confident with every gig and Breaking Point are Breaking point.
Don’t forget there will also be a place in tomorrow’s final for the highest scoring runner-up during the whole contest.
On the first two heats, Childs Play and Pulsebeat both with 59 points held second equal though it is likely that this total will be surpassed tomorrow night.
So an extraordinary night is in prospect. The finalists will be given only 20 minutes to impress the judges that they are Tamworth’s top band. The overall winner will be invited to play at the Young People’s Arts festival night in March where they will also be presented with their winning trophy.
Saturday’s final starts at around 8pm and entry is 60p. it is going to be packed to the rafters so people are advised to arrive early to enjoy this potentially tremendous occasion.
Tamworth Herald – 22/02/85
THIS column’s debut was very well received last week and so we hope to make it a regular feature. If you have news about local bands or musicians be sure to let us know so the truth can be told!
Well we start this week with a happy rumour that Talk Back have been linked with no less a label than EMI. According to my reliable informant, the label are very interested in the ambitious quartet and are considering sending someone up to watch them in action.
On the subject of live action. Sacred Oath are apparently planning to ask Wolfsbane to another ‘Battle of the Bands’ at the Arts Centre. Although Wolfsbane did a similar highly successful thing with BHX last year, the indications are that they won’t pick up the gauntlet. Sacred Oath however, claim that this would be an automatic victory for their outfit.
Sitting Pretty it seems are now ‘back on course’ according to lead singer Mike Turner. They have recruited former Breaking Point drummer Clark Stewart and experienced bass play Steve Parkin to the line-up and although it is the latest in a series of changes, there is a general feeling that this one is going to stick.
Talking of Sitting Pretty, what have their guitarist, Julian Amos, One On One drummer Stuart Blaine and Caprice singer Mike Fleming all got in common?
Well, strange as it may seem, they have all been members of heavy band BHX at one stage. This was just one of the fascinating facts I picked up when researching BHX’s history for their forthcoming national tour programme. The tour has already started to blossom with venues as glamorous as Dudley, Blackburn and Stoke-on-Trent on the itinerary. More info later.
And finally this week, news that former Classified Ads members Derek Goodwin and Paul Clements have formed a new ‘sexdeath’ combo on Manchester. The duo’s first manic performance was described as a ‘hideous noise’ which apparently pleased both members very much indeed. It’s all a far cry from the Classified Ads playing ‘Telephone’ but then again who remembers the band anyway?
Tamworth Herald – 01/03/85
LAST SATURDAY saw the climax of one of Tamworth’s biggest ever rock contests – with the trio, Breaking Point, being hailed as the town’s top band.
Fore the past fortnight, Tamworth’s music scene has been monopolised by the “Battle of the Bands” competition. It has been a full-blown fight between 16 competitors to find out the cream of the local groups.
After a series of heats which have seen musicians smashing up their instruments on stage, lead singers “bleeding” fake blood, a judge being disqualified for seeking refuge in the bar during the heat of the action and the Arts Centre filled to the brim night after night, there was no knowing what would appeal to the judges of the final.
Breaking Point did. The three musicians delivered a potent package with professional verve. Where other bands leaned heavily on the impact of barrages of sound, they concentrated on detail. Vocals were clear and rhythm and bass powerful and gripping.
Breaking Point were awarded 88 points out of a possible 100 and will receive their trophy at the Young People’s Arts Festival night later this month.
Five bands qualified for the last leg of this sonic spectacular. The five brought with them the crowds of faithful fans who were packed like sardines into the rainbow-lit auditorium.
Unlike sardines they represented five wildly different types of music. The discrepancies of opinion in the audience were mirrored in the judges’ panel…each judge showed a tendency towards extreme reaction to the bands – they loved them or hated them.
Poor imitation
Joint fifth place went to BHX and Spirit of Water. BHX were the first to perform and it was a disappointing start to the evening. The band were a poor imitation of some of the more forgettable heavy-metal groups.
No matter how much the vocalist screamed and bawled, he didn’t manage to put himself over at all. I did detect a melody at one point but it fizzled out pretty soon beneath the drummer’s monotonous onslaught. I hear BHX have a national tour on the cards. Perhaps they were having an off night?
I was surprised that Spirit of Water didn’t do better. There was plenty of variety in their performance and the group had the advantage of a talented vocalist. They were seen at their best in their final number called The Fox.
One On One were placed next. They produced a well rounded sound though unfortunately the performance was a little disturbed by microphone trouble.
The outrageous Scarab were the runners-up. If there had been a prize for the highest number of decibels achieved, they certainly would have won. After the fireworks, the fake blood, the amazing verbal ad-libbing from the band and the blatant flouting of the 20-minute time limit. I scarcely noticed the music. But frenzied fans seemed to like it. And that, as the lead singer pointed out in no uncertain terms, is what it’s all about.
Tamworth Herald – 15/03/85
BHX have been struck by disaster as they prepare for their first-ever national tour. For the hard-working heavy rock band have lost the services of their guitarist Keith Edwards.
The band was holding a special meeting with their commercial backer Philip Ball when Keith made his announcement.
It left BHX with a giant-sized headache with the first date of their country-trotting tour just two weeks away.
“Keith just said he had been wanting to leave since Christmas, He hung on for the Battle of the Bands to see if his feelings changed, but when they didn’t, he decided to leave,” said vocalist Mick Goodby.
The departure of Keith comes at a time when BHX have many gigs lined uo and a single in the planning stages. Now the band have got to find a good replacement – and quick.
“We are looking for someone who can give all his time to the band and will enjoy playing our music,” said Mick.
BHX’s music is a mixture of traditional and metallic rock which is generally fast, direct and hard-hitting.
They know that finding a replacement at such short notice is going to be very difficult indeed, but it is an ideal opportunity for an ambitious rhythm guitarist. For with gigs all round the country and a single due shortly, the new guitarist could find himself pushed onto the path of success without having to do the normal customary ‘slog’ to get there.
If you are ambitious and talented enough to be interested, the person to contact is Mick.
Tamworth Herald – 22/03/85
Paul Keeton, the former Sacred Oath guitarist, has come to the aid of BHX. Ambitious Paul has joined the band after former guitarist Keith Edwards pulled out just weeks before the group’s first-ever national tour.
Tamworth Herald – 29/03/85
BHX tonight launch first ever national tour with a special performance at Tamworth Arts Centre.
The band, who will be travelling around the country over the next three months, will stop-off at Tamworth Arts Centre, three times – before appearing late in August in the Bank Holiday festival.
As well as being the first convert of the tour, tonight will also be the debut appearance in the band of Paul Keeton.
Paul who stepped in as a late replacement for Keith Edwards, has apparently fitted in very well and according to the group’s manager Ralph Rea has picked up the songs at an impressive speed.
The whole tour is being staggered through the summer. The hope is that if the band make an impact in one part of the country, they will be able to return to it within the tour.
Several gigs such as Manchester, Wigan and Leeds have still to be confirmed but these are the 12 dates definitely confirmed at time of going to press:
Friday, March 29 – Tamworth (Arts Centre); Sunday, April 7 – Birmingham (The Railway); Thursday, April 11 – Coventry (General Wolf); Friday April 19 – West Bromwich (Coach and Horses); Thursday, April 25 – Dudley (JBs); Sunday, April 28 – East Ham (The Ruskin Arms); Friday, May 3 – Measham (Youth Club); Friday, May 17 – Tamworth Arts Centre); Wednesday, May 29 – Blackburn (Gally Greaves); Friday, June 21 – Tamworth (Arts Centre); Friday, June 28 – Stoke (Wagon and Horses); Sunday, July 28 – Burnley (Bank Hall Miners Club).
Tonight’s show promises to be quite an important one for the band who, as well as showing off guitarist Paul for the first time, will also possibly be introducing some new material.
Tamworth Herald – 29/03/85
Another band who look destined for success are Tribal Sweatshirts, featuring former BHX drummer Richard Deane. The band, who play modern commercial pop, have already attracted considerable interest and now they need a new bassist to complete their line-up. Two qualities needed are dedication and ambition, and if you think you can provide these – as well as good funk rock bass contact the band. We hope to be reviewing the bands debut cassette in the near future.
Tamworth Herald – 26/04/85
BHX have split up.
The town’s longest surviving heavy band have lost the services of two stalwarts – vocalist Mick Goodby and guitarist Mark Hopkins.
And, although it is not certain what remaining members Rob Rea, Robin Baxter and Paul Keeton intend to do, it looks like the old BHX has been consigned to the rock and roll grave forever.
“A lot of things have gone wrong lately,” said Mick. “We were going to gigs and just thinking about the money while the music is more important than anything,” said Mick.
Mick sees the demise of the band as happening quite recently and admitted that until the night of the split, things had been good among the members of the powerful outfit. A national tour was in the pipeline and there was also talk of a single.
Now, although it is still not certain whether the remaining members of BHX will continue to play together, it is certainly the end of the road for Mick’s involvement with the band.
“We would like to get together to play the festival in August as sort of a final farewell gig,” said Mick.
Mick now faces the difficult task of reviving himself to get a fresh band together with fellow BHX man Mark Hopkins. This new rock band are now on the lookout for a new keyboard player, bassist and drummer. Anyone interested can give Mick a ring.
Tamworth Herald – 24/05/85
TOP ROCKERS Scarab will play a very special concert tomorrow night (Saturday) – dedicated to recently split kindred spirits BHX.
Scarab say that they have always had great respect for BHX – particularly their frontman Mick Goodby – and now they want to show their appreciation with a unique show.
The band feel that BHX’s recent split was bad news for the town’s heavy metal followers – and they see it as their role to keep metallic music alive and kicking in the town.
Just to make the show even more of a thank you to BHX, it is rumoured that Scarab will resurrect some of BHX’s former standards.
As well as being a BHX special, Scarab have also promised another two unusual items on the gig menu.
First of all, they expect tomorrow’s show will be the loudest the Arts Centre has ever heard, because they are using a thumping 3,500 kw pa setup.
And secondly, the band are supported by a previously unknown band called Nothing – of whom I know less than nothing about.
The whole concert sounds like being one of Scarab’s tastiest treats in a long time, so if you are in the mood to be vamped, deafened and BHX’ed make your way to the Arts Centre tomorrow night. The fun starts around 8pm.
Tamworth Herald – 19/07/85
IT LOOKS as if one of he splinter groups from BHX will now be joining the rock festival’s two-day warm-up gigs at Tamworth Arts Centre. The band are full of ambition and determination but they need a bass player to complete their heavy rock line-up.
If interested, give the ever-enthusiastic Mick Goodby a call.
On the subject of heavy rock, lovers of this form of music have now got their own regular disco. Run by the talented Colin Wall, the disco will be every Monday at – wait for it – The Marmion.
Tamworth Herald – 13/12/85
IN ALL the understandable euphoria about next Friday and Saturday’s Tamworth Rocks For Ethiopia concerts, a special Christmas gig by one of the town’s most interesting new bands looks in danger of being overlooked.
For on December 23, Depth Charge make their first headlining show at Tamworth Arts Centre alongside heavy outfit Earthquake and the eccentric Boozy Brothers.
It is a show that according to lead singer Mick Goodby will be packed full of traditional spirit of all kinds.
“It should be a good night and we are all looking forward to it,” said Mick. Depth Charge play rock music which combines traditional progressive rock with the more modern ‘pop metal’ to make a guitar-dominated sound that can be both powerful and subtle.
They first came to most people’s attention at this year’s Rock Festival, where they successfully opened the show, with their old line-up.
It was ‘old’ in the sense that Trevor Muggleston and Darren Milner had been working together for some time, and had recruited Tony Lakin, Garry Dobson and Dave Fitzgerald en-route. When vocalist Dave left, in stepped Mick Goodby, the former BHX and Witzend singer, and one of the most popular people on the local scene. To put it mildly, he found his new band a bit different from BHX.
“It is a lot more relaxed and I am really enjoying myself,” he said. “We take the music, very seriously and that always comes first, but we still have a lot of fun.” Said Mick.
Depth Charge signals the end of Mick’s hyped-up glam image. They are a band who think that the chords are more important then the corduroys. It makes fro a refreshing outlook and a refreshing sound, so if you have still got any money left after the alcohol-ridden Ethiopia gigs, then this is where to spend it. It costs just 75p for a rock and roll party and this includes the chance to see the legendary Simon Le Chien and his Boozy Brothers!
Tamworth Herald – 28/02/86
Former BHX man Robert Rea was back in town briefly last week to report that things are going very well indeed with his new metal outfit, Platinum Hi. The group have received a lot of interest in London and report encouragingly that the competition in the capital is not as fierce as it looks up here.
The band are hoping to line up a special Marquee concert soon.
Tamworth Herald- 02/02/90
A band of many members but the same unified ideal - to put metal into the forefront of the Tamworth music scene.
Starting around the same time as the Wolfies, BHX included many notable musicians over the years including Sitting Pretty and Great Express man Julian Amos, LO Girls star Rob Rea and current Ark sticksman Richard Deane. The man usually at the helm was vocalist Mick Goodby who held together a very tight and successful ship indeed.
New Tamworth band BHX…a stable base.

BHX…powerful performance which delighted their fans at the Tavern.
If you have any further information about this band please email: |